Three Reasons Why You Need Fresh Flowers in Your Home
Everyone loves the sight of flowers. Walking into a room with fresh flowers feels welcoming, comforting and can be instantly uplifting. Flowers can help convey a sentiment that may be hard to express in words, which is why we often send flowers for major life events. However there’s no reason to wait for a special occasion to buy flowers! Studies show that having fresh flowers in your home no only enhances your room’s decor, they can also have a positive impact on your health.
Did you know that having fresh flowers in the house actually reduces stress? Yes! Scientific studies have shown that fresh flowers can reduce stress, anxiety and pain. Jasmine, rose, lavender and camomile are all known to help in this area. Why not try a sprinkling of rose petals in your bath, or placing some lavender beside the bed to help promote a good night’s sleep? There’s nothing more relaxing and inviting than the scent of freshly cut flowers as you walk in the door after a long day at work. As soon as the flowers start to bloom in the field I always make sure we have a fresh bouquet on our kitchen table. When I come in from the field and see those flowers on our table I can feel myself sliding into a different headspace. As little feet all come running towards me, words tumbling out faster than I can catch them all, my workday worries slip away and I connect with all my little ones while we start to prepare our evening meal. Flowers on the table just seem to say, “welcome home.”
Flowers can help to brighten up your mood. When we think of fresh flowers we think of sunshine and being outdoors. Maybe you remember childhood picnics, time spent outside with loved ones, moments of laughter and joy. For me the smell of freesia instantly takes me back to when I was 12 years old and had just had my tonsils removed. I was miserable and in a rather sorry state when my grandma showed up in my hospital room with a bouquet of flowers that had freesia in it. I had never smelled anything so wonderful in my life and although they didn’t take away the ache in my throat, they sure made me feel better! Flowers have the ability to lift up our mood and help us have a more positive outlook. Studies have shown that women who receive flowers are reported to feel happier. Why wait for someone else to give you that feeling? Make it a priority to fill your own cup and bring yourself some happiness. You deserve it!
Flowers increase our creativity. Yes it’s true! Being in the presence of fresh flowers has been reported to encourage concentration, creativity and increase our cognitive performance. If it’s nice to have flowers on the table where you gather as a family to eat, think of the benefits of having a fresh bouquet at your desk or in your creative workspace. Bright colours, soft green foliage and the light fragrance that comes from local flowers can help centre your energy and get you focused on the task at hand.
We lead such busy lives these days. Having fresh flowers in the house is a call back to a simpler time, a reminder to literally stop and smell the roses. When we take these moments and gift ourselves these little indulgences, we are sending a message; a message that says “I matter”, and you do! Your happiness, creativity, and peace of mind are vital to you being the best version of yourself that you can be, so don’t be afraid to surround yourself with the beauty of fresh flowers.